Greenevents has renewed, for the fourth consecutive year, the adhesion to the Biosphere -Responsible Tourism

Aware of the importance of maintaining and promoting sustainable tourism development, and assuming the principles and objectives adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2015, COP 21 and the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism + 20, Greenevents is committed to continuous improvement in its sustainable management.

We understand sustainable management as that which includes (1) social criteria (promoting the local economy, fair trade products, social and labor insertion of disadvantaged groups, ethical banking, strengthening the social market, and participation in associations that promote sustainable development), (2) environmental (prevent and reduce the impact on the generation of waste and the consumption of non-renewable resources, and choose the consumption of renewables) and (3) organization and work under the principles of cooperativism (participation , transparency, salary and gender equity, training, personal conciliation, sharing the knowledge generated).

How does Greenevents contribute to responsible tourism?

Greenevents has adopted the following Responsible Tourism Policy, through which it undertakes to comply with the requirements established in the BIOSPHERE adhesion, which include the control and continuous improvement of the following criteria: (1) economic and social ( supply chain with responsible criteria, participation in associations to promote the social and economic integration of the community, promotion of universal accessibility measures, respect and promotion of the cultural and environmental heritage of the territory), (2) environmental (supply chain with criteria ecological, prevention and reduction of environmental impacts -landscape, energy, atmospheric emissions, water, waste, acoustics-), and (3) organization and work (occupational risk prevention, training on Responsible Tourism, quality customer service and communication of the good sustainability practices of the environment and of our entity).

Our commitments

Greenevents extends the requirements established in the BIOSPHERE adhesion to contribute in a more holistic way towards sustainability: it promotes the socio-labour insertion of groups in social exclusion and is based on the principles of cooperativism for its work organization (transparency in information, participatory decisions, allows personal conciliation, salary differences not greater than five times and takes into account gender equality). Similarly, Greenevents expresses the commitment to fight against sexual exploitation.

We support sustainability

Greenevents contributes to sustainability in the following way: (1) offers teambuilding experiences for groups with sustainability criteria (2) offers support in the planning and production of events with sustainable criteria (3) contributes to intercooperation and strengthening of the Social Market (4) hires suppliers with social and environmental criteria for the management of the entity (5) complements services with sustainability criteria for the organization of events (6) is committed to preventing and reducing the environmental impact (7) promotes the sustainable transport, in its management it mainly uses bicycles and public transport, and informs its clients to use public transport to get to the activities (8) communicates to clients about good environmental practices and conservation of the environment and culture in the territory.

This Responsible Tourism Policy will be updated whenever circumstances require, adopting and publishing new sustainability objectives in both cases.

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Who We Are

Greenevents Barcelona is a social economy enterprise specializing in crafting and orchestrating Social and Ecological Positive Impact Team Building, Corporate Volunteering, and In-Company Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities, in and around Barcelona.

For us, sustainability is a collaborative journey towards constructing an equitable society, ensuring fundamental socio-economic needs for all, while ensuring that economic impact does not harm the environment.


– Group: min 10 ppl.
– VAT is not included in prices.
– Languages: Catalan, Spanish, and English. We might be able to accommodate for other languages at a higher rate.

– 50% of payment must be done at least one month in advance of booking, other 50% percent must be done, at least one day before the event.
– You will get a certificate for having done a sustainable experience or activity.
– You will get photos and a short video as a souvenir.
– If it rains, the event will be done with an umbrella or it will be scheduled for another day.
– The client has the right to cancel without reason, with written notice to green events. In such cases, the client will be responsible for the following cancellation fees:

  • 30% of the invoice if cancellation occurs between 30 and 15 days before the event.
  • 50% of the invoice if the cancellation occurs between 15 and 4 days before the event.
  • 100% of the invoice if the cancellation occurs within 4 days of the event.

Additionally, the client can reduce the number of participants by 10% without reason, with written notice to green events, up to 5 days before the event.

If you want our Team Building as a training (20% surcharge) and your employees that will come belong to “régimen general” from a Spanish Company, you can claim this training expenses to Fundae. We will recommend  you a gestor to present the documentation to Fundae.